Slot Drain Specifications
We provide up-to-date Slot Drain specification sheets for the use of architectural and engineering specifying, including submittals, spec sheets, CAD drawings, product guide and industrial application guide. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Slot Drain representative.
Spec Sheets
Slot Drain Series |
Model |
Our Drainage Experts
Our professional staff are available to provide suggested layouts as well as specification guidelines for tender purposes. Shop drawings are available upon receipt of purchase orders.
Slot Drain is customized to suit special requirements and is available in a variety of depths to compliment flow requirements. Stainless steel is available up to depths of 70”.
Slot Drain has the ability to handle high capacity drainage and has proven itself successful in hundreds of installations.
Slot Drain’s flow rates vary depending on the width the slot is set at. A standard piece of drain section with a slot width of 1 1/4” has a flow rate of 33 GPM (gallons per minute) or .074 cfs (cubic feet per second) for 100“ of drain. Depending on customers’ needs, any flow rate can be attained by increasing the depth of the trough.
Slot Drain’s slope is 1/16” per foot, and the slot width can be adjusted to fit the installation needs, with options ranging from 1/2” to 1 1/4”.
Slot Drain has 90° and 45° elbows that are available to allow the drain to virtually go anywhere it is desired, minimizing construction labour costs.
Pits and junction boxes are in a variety of sizes to suit your needs.
Where desired, flush valves are available and are added to the drain ends. They function to remove any sediment and help keep the drain sections clean and sanitary. Car washes, for example, can reuse water from the car wash by placing a sump in the pit/catch basin. They can also be connected to a cold water valve and can be set with time control in order to automatically flush the system when needed or can be turned on manually via a valve/knob.
If manual cleaning is ever required, cleaning paddles are also supplied with your purchase. The paddles have the same profile as the Slot Drain section and are inserted through the slot, then twisted 90 degrees and moved along the drain.